Independent Regulator

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Legal Profession (Solicitors’ Conduct) Rules 2020

From 1 October 2020, the rules governing legal practitioner conduct and certain operations of legal practice in Tasmania are changing. The adoption of the Legal Profession (Solicitors’ Conduct) Rules 2020, provides a national framework for the profession regarding ethical and professional conduct in dealing with clients, the Courts, fellow legal practitioners, regulators and other persons. The Tasmanian profession will now be subject to the same rules of conduct as NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and the ACT.

The Legal Profession (Solicitors’ Conduct) Rules 2020 will come into effect in Tasmania on 1 October 2020.

The Rules of Practice 1994 have also undergone substantial amendment, with the Rules of Practice Amendment Rules 2020 commencing on 1 October 2020.

Both the Legal Profession (Solicitors’ Conduct) Rules 2020 and the Rules of Practice Amendment Rules 2020 can be found under the Resource tab on our website.